K2 Send email Error

  • 14 March 2014
  • 3 replies


I am getting the error The parameter 'address' cannot be an empty string. Parameter name: address

Please help

3 replies

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What version of Blackpearl are you currently running? Also have a look at the following KB Article: http://help.k2.com/en/kb000392.aspx.





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One typically sees this error when attempting to send an email to or from an empty email address.  This can happen if, e.g. you are sending a notification to a an employee who hasn't started yet so they don't have an email address in AD.


You can see what email address K2 is trying to use by 1) working out to whom the email should be sent, then 2) using the UMUser/GetUserDetails SmartObject to see what email is coming back for the user.

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Also, starting with 4.5 update KB1370, the email address needs to exist in the Identity Service cache, in order to be used. I have occasionally seen this when a new user is added, before the Identity Service has had a chance to resolve the user's details. When this is the case, though, it will usually only happen once for a given user.

When the message specifically says "Parameter name: address", that suggests the FROM address, rather than the TO address.



