Start a k2 instance

  • 24 October 2017
  • 2 replies

hi, I have an IIS web site whith k2 web service ws.asmx (StartNewProcessInstance and others methods) .

The website aplication pool Identity is configured has before (acount: k2webservice) 

The webservice is being called from another site whitch aplication pool identity is also configured as before(acount: spwebservice)

Now, my app site calls the K2 webservice the http status 401.2 is returned.

what configurations do I need to check? any k2 specific configuration?



Pedro Teixeira



2 replies

Badge +15



Did you check if you have enabled any IIS authentication mode for the web service ? You can check that in IIS Manager.

hello thanks for the reply, and yess everething in the IIS Manager authentification  is correrct, my problem happend in my quality enviremoent I just compare whith Production and everithing is ok.  


Best Regards
