Rich text control change default font

  • 11 May 2018
  • 7 replies

Badge +8

Hi there.  One more question.


I don't see "out of the box" functionality on this, but is there a way to use back end code to change the default font for the Rich Text control to something besides Veranda 11?  My folks that are using it want it to default to something else.




7 replies



In the documentation below it shows you how to modify the rich text control. Once you are on the rich text control, on the left side there should be a section called "Styles" in here is where you can edit the default font.

Badge +8

Nope.  Sorry, but that doesn't work.  I tried that before I posted this question. 


When you select styles for a rich text control, the only tabs that are available to you are Borders, Margins and Padding.  Font and Format are greyed out.


Any other thoughts?





To be able to change the default font of a rich text control you will have to do the following:


Step 1. Under Properties Scroll down to Settings and click the three dots next to Toolbar Items: Default.


Step 2. A pop-up will appear; select Font Name and click OK.


Step 3: Click Finsh and Run the View; once the Rich-Text-Control loads you will now have the option to chose a different font.

Badge +8

Thanks for that reply, but that's not what we're looking for either.  


Basically, when the form opens, we want the font for the rich text control to be Arial 11 without the user having to manually change it.  It currently defaults to Verdana 11.  Almost the same font, I am the first to admit!!!!  This is something that's being requested by the business area, and we're doing our best to comply.  



Any other ideas?







Ah ok, I understand now and unfortunately this is currently not a feature with 4.7 or K2 Five. The controls font and size currently can only be edited at run-time. It has been logged as an idea at, where I would upvote and comment to bring it more attention to the developers.

Userlevel 5
Badge +16

Hi Rob,


I believe you can change the Font style by adding the following script as an expression on a data label or transfer it on the initialize

**Check 'Literal' property for the data label



$('.reContentArea').attr('style', 'height: 86px; font-family: Arial; font-size: 11px;');




As per this is not possible OOTB. please log it as feature. This is a useful functionality that K2 can add to the control properties.

Thanks Mustafa                            

Javascript to the rescue 'again (thank goodness for the data label!), this is such a fundamental style setting you would expect out of the box on forms software as most organisations have a corporate or prefered font.


This worked for me.
