How to add a line break in List Header

  • 25 February 2019
  • 1 reply

For some reason, we need to add new line break in list header to split the words. In Blackpearl 4.6.6 with SmartForm 1.02, we could finish the job by add <br/> symbol to break a new line.


But after upgrading Blackpearl 4.6.11 with SmartForm 4.6.11, the symbol <br/> is not functional. Even through it is effective in designer mode, in runtime mode, the symbol will be directly displayed by "<br/>" and new line break doesn't appear.


What I am concerned is how to make a line break in List Header in Blackpearl  & SmartForm 4.6.11.


Designer Mode:11732iB08C27288C7FF948.jpg


1 reply

Badge +8

Try the code below, I used it in expression as next line and it works 100%.

Url Decode(%0A)

