Smartforms Session Timeout

  • 22 December 2014
  • 1 reply




After a period of using K2 designer/runtime, a popup message is displayed with the following message:

"Your session will expire in another seconds. Please save your progress before the session expires."

Where is an active countdown. (Default: Starts countdown from 30s)





If you are using Claims (Default for K2 blackpearl 4.6.7 and above), the default session lifetime is 8 hours. Starting from the time when a user loads the K2 designer/runtime after its previous session ended/expired, a new session of 8 hours starts from then, and the popup message will display 30 seconds before the 8 hours is up. For example, a developer loads the K2 designer at 9am in the morning, nearing the end of 5pm on the same day, the session expiration message will appear.

Please note that closing/reopening the browser during the session lifetime will not extend the session.



To extend the session lifetime, do the following

1. Go To C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlWebServicesIdentityStsWindows
2. Open Web.config
3. You will see the following keys:
<add key="SessionTokenLifetime" value="28800" />
<add key="MaximumTokenLifetime" value="28800" />
4. The value is in Seconds. So 28800 is equivalent to 8 hours.
5. To extend the session lifetime, replace the values with a higher value.
6. After making the changes, save the config file and clear your browser's cache, and reload the designer for the new values to take effect.




1 reply

Based on this article, the changes won't affect those environments on Azure AD. Any idea on how to change the ValidTo value as suggested in the article?
