SmartObject with Input Parameter

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I am wanting to use the out-of-the-box UMUser smartobject to get all the users for a list of roles.  I've generated the C# class of UMUser and am using a method to get the data I want.  Here is the line of code that I am using to make that call:


UMUser umUser = new UMUser();
DbDataReader result = umUser.Get_Users_For_Roles_Reader(GetXML(roles));



"roles" is a list of strings.  When roles has a few items in it, everything works fine.  When roles gets a little bigger, there is some point where things break.  I suspect when the string returned by GetXML() is greater than 1024 characters, that's when things break.  Anyone have in insight or know why this might be happening?


2 replies

Badge +6

Why dont you use the Smartobject API instead of using C# class


I think there is no characters limitation in XML
