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I would like to move a wizard from the development Studio to the Production Console.  How does that work?  I have not been able to find any notes on a Production Studio.  Would I have to export from the Dev Studio, then import to Prod Studio to be able to add the automated wizard to the Production Console?  

@CherylH  - have you reviewed this section from Nintex Help?

@Yotam - do we have any content on Nintex U that could help?



Sam - thank you for responding.  I have went through a few videos in Nintex U, but I guess I am not looking for the right thing.  I have watched some Admin viodeos that I would thought that to be covered but it wasn’t.  I need this set up by Wednesday morning so I thought I would reach out for ideas of where to find the informaiton.

Sam - Can we run Studio development and production on the same workstation?

@CherylH - I’m not certain, but I’m looking for someone who can assist.

@MRepetti or @MHagopian - Can you help @CherylH with her RPA question above?

@CherylH indeed, you will need to export it from the development studio and import it to the production studio. To export, you will select the wizard from the development Studio’s main catalog and right click on it. You should see the option to Import/Export. From there, you can select whether you want to export or import a wizard. If you had created a wizard which includes embedded wizard, the rule of thumb is always to export the highest level wizard, i.e. the wizard that has all the embedded wizard and not embedded in other wizards. The export packages the wizard, including all embedded wizard used in the exported wizard, and all application definitions that are defined within. This will ensure that you won’t need to recreate the dependencies when you import it into the production environment.

Once the wizard is exported, you should have it stored in your local drive in *.dwiz format. You are now ready to login to Production Studio and have it imported. The process of importing is the similar to the export process. After the wizard is imported, it should retain the same folder structure as the exported wizard.

Hope this helps!

Thank you Danny Toh - even though I was able to find the importing wizard notes in the documentation, you have provided some good notes for me to use.  I do appreciate it.  I will give this a try.  You didn’t mention I had to go to another workstation for the Production Studio, so if I understand this correctly, we would be able to access both Studio’s on the one workstation, which was our concern.

Sam - thanks for your assistance and reaching out to help me with more information.

@CherylH Hello, you can run Studio on one machine and have it connect to two different environments, but the environments will need to be on separate machines. The servers need to be separate. For one reason, they will require too many resources for one machine to handle.

Here is a link to a help document to connect Studio to the two environments:


Thanks for your help, @Danny Toh and @MRepetti!
