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I need to delete the contents on a defined Excel worksheet.  I am using the ‘delete from excel’ command but it has quit working.  I have tried several options but nothing seems to be working.  The data is in column A beginning at the first row.

I tried using the ‘range’ €A1:ZZ100]; the ‘from’ column A row 1 to column A row tblank]; then changed up the ‘from’ to column 1 row 1 to column 1 row wblank]; and finally the ‘entire worksheet’.  

Nothing is working.  I can delete the sheet values manually but the following day it will pick up where it left off.

I am sure to be missing something simple….

Is it possible to upload the studio logs?

Are you referring to the Kryon logs on the c: drive?

I work remote a few days a week and have recently found out it is causing issues with another RPA that I have been working on.  Could this be the same issue?
