Hello all,
in the last few days I have been experimenting a bit and have developed a plugin that can run C#, VBdotNET or JScript code directly. I enclose this, with a little documentation, as an attachment.
This library contains only one method, called Run, to execute C#, VB.NET or JScript code.
Open a wizard and start with advanced commands. Add via menu item Tools > Plugin manager… the dotNETRunner library.
To compile and execute a C# code set a few variables.
Here we set the lanugage, in our example CS for C#, the file name which contains the source code, the using dotNET assemblies and the instance, consists of namespace and class name.
To execute a method set the Method variable and add the item External Programs > Run .net plugin method.
Set the parameters of the method Run from the dotNETRunner library with the variables.
Now we start via the menu item Debug > Do it the execution of your workflow an you will see the return value of method SayHelloFunc from the C# code.
Here an example how to call the other methods from the C# source code.
Like in Run Script you have also the possibility to add the code as variable, an external file is not necessary.
I hope the results of my experimentation are useful. In any case, I find the possibility to use C# or VBdotNET sources directly with Kryon very interesting.