Product: Kryon RPA
Product Version: All versions
Components: Kryon Admin; Kryon Studio
The following article will take you step-by-step through the process of setting up mySQL.
Prerequisites: In order to work with mySQL, you will need to ensure that the mySQL driver is downloaded and installed in your machine. To identify if a valid driver is available, open the ODBC Data Source Administrator. When attempting to add a new DSN, you should see the mySQL drivers present in the list.
Steps: Setting Up mySQL ODBC Connectivity
Create a new DSN and point it to the mySQL instance that you want to connect to. Test the connection to ensure the connection is successful.
Working with mySQL DB
To extract data from mySQL, use the "Execute SQL Query" advanced command in Kryon Studio.Select Custom Query and use the connection builder to create your connection string.
Under Provider, select "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers".
Click Next to go to the Connection tab. Select "Use data source name" and select the DSN that was created when setting up the ODBC connectivity. Input the credentials and check "Allow saving password" if you are not taking the credentials from the credential vault. Select the initial catalog to use. If you have set it up correctly, you should see the schema listing from the database. Once done, click "Test connection" to validate. You should receive a "test connection succeeded" prompt.
You should now see the connection string established. Replace the word "Data Source" with "DSN" in the connection string.
The query can now be written to extract the required data set.