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Workflow Change Approval is a feature in Nintex Workflow in which any workflow published in the site must be approved by a member of the configured approver group. When enabling this feature, it must be done site-by-site by navigating to Site Settings > Nintex Workflow > Workflow change approval and selecting 'Enable'. The script shared in this article can be used to enable this feature via PowerShell.



Scripts are attached to this article due to their length. Enable Workflow Change Approval.ps1 contains the function to enable Workflow Change Approval and publish the approval workflow. Conversely, Disable Workflow Change Approval.ps1 contains the function to disable Workflow Change Approval and delete the approval workflow.


Additional Information

Please note that the scripts provided each contain a function to enable/disable Workflow Change Approval on the provided site url. If there is a desire to use this script to loop through sites in the SharePoint environment and manipulate the feature en masse, it will be necessary for the script user to build this additional logic.


This script was built in PowerShell 5. Older versions may contain differences in the way some methods work in PowerShell and may require that the script be corrected accordingly.

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