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Workflow Description: When a new task is created in the "Workflow Tasks" list, a workflow is started on the item. The workflow has the following two features;

  1. Set the item permissions.
  2. Create a new item in another list, pause the workflow for 5 minutes and update the permissions of the item.

Error: The workflow is encountering a sporadic error to start.

Additional Information: The actions mentioned above are inside an "Action Set" action, with "Run as workflow owner" ticked. The owner of the workflow has 'Site Collection Administrators' permissions.

Workflow History Error:

UpdatingItemFields is the name of the workflow.

Any assistance regarding this issue, is greatly appreciated! 

Hi,  Thank you for your question.

Looking at this issue I do not think its a permissions issue but rather a locking issue.
SharePoint still has a lock on the item when the workflow starts so that is why there is an access issue.
I suggest adding a pause action as the first action of the workflow that is started so that it waits before starting to operate on the item.  In saying that, it really is not a good idea to run workflows on task lists.
A better way to do this would be to have the workflow that created the task do the updates you want in parallel or start a site workflow.

Hi Simon, 

Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply. 

I agree with your last solution, where we move the actions to the main workflow that is creating the task itself. We have already done this and are currently testing to see if we encounter any issue, but so far it seems to be working as intended.

