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I'm having an issue with the Query List action in Workflow.


I want it to filter on a multiple selection field

To clarify: For whichever combination of choices are selected for the item the workflow is running for, I want the Query List to find all other items in the library with the same combination. Query List works if I put in a specific combination and run the workflow so I know everything else is calibrated properly. I need the workflow to work for all combinations though.


I've tried a few different options including:

Converting the multiple selection field to a text string along with removing commas and white space using the convert to text and regular expression actions to see if that made a difference


Tried using contain instead of equals as seen below




Any help is much appreciated.





when u set ur TopicText variable (Text Variable) try it like this:



after that u can lookup ur list and save the values (in my example the IDs) in a collection variable.





Thank you for the response. Unfortunately that solution doesn't seem to work for me.


I don't see a topic list in my query list action and if I use the library I'm searching in. It doesn't pick up any items.


What I'm really after is how does workflow store a multiple selection field, and how can I use it with the query list action to find items that have the same multiple selection combination as the item I'm running the workflow for.



oh... the topic list is just an example... u have to select ur list where the new item is created.


u have to store the multipleselection field in a TEXT VARIABLE and then u have to get the value like i did in my first screenshot.


set ur text variable: urvariablename


lookup in list --> current item -- > ur multipleselection field


it works in my testworkflow:


the first row is my CollID ... the second is the text variable TopicText .. and the last is the multipleselection value when i would choose "Topic" in my filter




maybe u can add some screenshots of the steps and then i can help u to find the error


Here is the series of actions I have set up.

1) The build string takes in the "Topic" which is the multiple selection field and converts it to a string.

2) I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly I'm doing with the set variable that the build string isn't doing but I have it in there like you had in your post.

3) Then I query the library I'm working out of to find all other items with the same multiple field selection.

4) I then output the list ID in an email


Let me know what I'm missing to get my workflow to work. Your help is much appreciated.




U dont need the build string element.


my workflow looks like this:




and because the set variable and lookup in list looks fine in ur screenshots, it has to be ur variable "TopicText" .. u have to create it like this:





Thank you your help.


That resolved the issue.
