Why did the community change?

Userlevel 3
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I’ve really been trying to work through this and keep my opinions to myself, but I cannot stay silent anymore. 

What happened to the community site? It used to be wonderful, I could find the answers to my question(s) so quickly just straight from searching google or from the community site search. Now, ever since it’s changed to this new layout/web design, I’m assuming third party solution, I cannot find the answers to anything! OR, I’ll search it, and google will bring up the answer, but when I click it, it no longer takes me to the related community post. So, then I try to search for it here with the same search phrase and the results are totally different than google and completely unrelated to my question. There is/was SO much good content on this community, now all that amazing content has been lost in the weeds. PLEASE fix this! Lots of us trust, rely, and contribute to this community and it’s really heartbreaking to see all the knowledge lost and the community become un-useable.

At this point, it would be better to revert back to the previous community site. 

Thank you,


3 replies

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I agree!  I just typed the exact same question in the community search that I used in Google search, and the community search returned 5 topics….. and none of them were even closly realted to what I was searching for.  Looks like I probaly need to start learning Microsoft Power Apps.  

Userlevel 3
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It would be nice to hear what Nintex is thinking/doing about this. I know I’m not the only one having this problem. My coworkers are saying the same thing.


@kmccool and @russell_r_zuraf - thanks for your feedback. I’m Kat Hall and I oversee the Nintex Community.

As mentioned in our Nintex Community Update blog, most of our content has now been migrated into our new community platform. The next step for us is to fix redirects and search capabilities. It’s not been as smooth as we’d hoped but we’re taking the time to try and build the best experience we can.  

We will follow-up directly to learn more about your experience and share key learnings and next steps with the Nintex Community where it makes sense. 
