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I created two Nintex workflows for a SharePoint List. The first workflow is set up to insert the SharePoint List data into a SQL table and the second one is an update workflow to reflect any updates made in the SharePoint list to be reflected in the SQL table.  


I stared off by creating the first workflow to have a new record made in the SharePoint list be added to a SQL table. That was successful. 


I then created the second workflow to have any updates made on the SharePoint List to be updated to the SQL table as well. The update workflow was successful as well however, the first workflow to insert the SharePoint list records to SQL would have the error " varchar unable to convert to int" when null values in my SharePoint List. 


Both workflows work properly if all the fields have at least some kind of value filled in every field of my SharePoint List but, I need it to work with or without null values as it did previously. 

Any suggestions/solutions would be greatly appreciated, thank you! 

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