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I'm trying to read cells from an Excel file with Nintex workflow. It look's simple, but it doesn't work for me. These are my current steps for testing:


1. the requested Excel is opened using "OpenWorkbook" on the current document in the library, which is specified by "Name"


2. There's only one sheet in this file, named "test". In order to proof that, I run "GetSheetsName", as shown below, but the result is empty:


3. I tried to read the data of a single cell either using a range or define it by row and column. Last I tried to get a whole row by specifying a range. But this doesn't work neither.





Regardless, what I try the result is always empty and i get the following error message:

<soap:Fault xmlns:soap="<a href=""></a>"><faultcode>soap:Server</faultcode><faultstring>Server was unable to process request. ---&gt; Object reference not set to an instance of an object.</faultstring><detail /></soap:Fault>


Could anybody help?

Thanks in advance....



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