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Hi folks,

I have a form (NINTEX forms 2019, classic) for our standard change requests.

Beside the informations about the change, all the stakeholder can choose the level they want to be involved.

In addition one field is a dropdown, which includes states like “approved”, “in progress”, “finished”, etc.

Now I was asked to edit the form to only allow two people (lead of all changes) should be able to change the state.

My idea was to check, if the current user is not one of the two people and then deactivate the field.

So I have started full of drive…. 
I created two people fields which has the two people as default value in it. This looks like…


Then I created a rule for the dropdown field (format → deactivate) with the condition…

or(not(equals(peopleField1,Current User)),not(equals(peopleField2,Current User)))

What a mess! It didn’t work :-)   

I also tried a simple rule … 

peopleField1 != Current User check if it works with only one person.
Yeap…. still not successful. I don’t know what the problem is.
Is the syntax not correct?

Is there anpother possibility to make a field changeable only for the two people?

Thank you very much in advance.

Have a nice day


Hi folks,

Meanwhile I found out how to do this.

I created a sharepoint group and added those two person.

Then in the form I created the rule formating and in the condition I have…




Et voilà. Almost the 5 People which tested ,had successful tests. We’ll see….

