
Nintex Community Search not working

  • 13 January 2023
  • 1 reply


Anything we search for issues/fixes for Nintex forms or workflows now does not return any results? Everything is getting redirected to “” which does not contain anything or the search simply does not work. Is this gonna be fixed or Nintex want users to stop using its products/services?

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +21

Hello Sundeep

Our community team is actively working on improving the search feature with assistance from the platform vendor. We are also actively updating Google Search Indexes, which should redirect you to the correct content.

In some instances, content has not migrated properly, and is thus not appearing on the community search.

Please know we are working on resolving these issues with the highest priority and we apologize for the frustration this has caused.

Best regards
Community team
