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I just noticed when using SharePoint 2019 on prem. That when i make a list and a Nintex form.

And have any data with “-” (U+002D : HYPHEN-MINUS {hyphen, dash; minus sign})

And then print it to PDF. 

And open that PDF it is now a "‐" (U+2010 : HYPHEN)

Has anyone experienced this too? Is there a setting or something for Nintex not to replace U+002D HYPHEN-MINU with U+2010 HYPHEN? Or can you recreate this?

I have tried different browsers to open the PDF in and Adobe. I have tried to have the data in Calculated fields and labels. But same result.

Thank you i would really appreciate any help.

Hi @tommy 
Have you tried using a different font? 


Thank you MillaZ
I did try fonts but only one. 

After your reply i tested all fonts. And...

Arial, Courier, Comic Sans, Garamond, Georgia, Impact, Lucida console, Thamoe and Time new roman

All worked!

And i found if you had a font and moved the label into a panel it looks right in the form editor correct. But when open the form on an item it becomes overwritten by the “theme” on the form. 

So I needed to change the theme font too.

But thank you MillaZ this helped me solve my problem :D
