Hi there. First time poster here and could use some help with an expression I'm working on.
Overall, I'd like to set the visibility of a control using an expression with multiple conditions - mainly the fn-Or and fn-And functions. The goal is to display Control1 if either of the following conditions are met:
-The current user is a member of SharePointGroup1 or is a member of SharePointGroup2
-Control2 equals a certain value and the form is in Display Mode
I've tried multiple iterations using only one SharePoint group but with no success. Could someone please take a look at the following code and tell me what I'm missing, as well as how to update the code so that it accounts for whether a user is a member SharePoint groups 1/2?
Sample Code for Control1's visible property:
fn-Or(fn-IsMemberOfGroup("SharePointGroup1"), fn-And(fn-Equals(Control2,"Value"), Is Display Mode))
Lastly, I'm using Nintex Classic (it's for a form that was previously created, so would prefer not to migrate it to the modern version). Thank you in advance.