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In one of my Client environment almost 40+ controls(including 4 repeater controls each having 5 fields) not connected to SharePoint List fields. But all the fields are loading when i open Edit/View form as they are saving in Form data. Now Client asking to Export all the data (including the un-connected fields data). As List Fields are not connected to Nintex forms controls Export excel is not pulling the data. 

As per my investigation we can create a nintex workflow and using Query XML and using Xpath we can extract the data. As there are multiple controls is there any other way to get the data?

Have you figured this out?

I think, I figured this out. Let me know.

I usually perform batch processing on SP list using PowerShell.
It is also possible to use Nintex Workflow.

There is a column called NFForm which store unbounded data.
Bounded data is fields which is connected to a SP column.
Unbounded data is fields which is NOT connected.
All unconnected fields data is saved into a column named NFForm
The data is structured as XML.

Regardless of which tools to extract the data, you still need to retrieve the XML and process the XML. I find using PowerShell is 10x-50x faster to process XML as compared to Nintex Workflow

@Garrett Scout,


We are using SharePoint 2016 do you know where i could find NFForm? I am not able to find while editing the SharePoint list views. 




If you have a license, you can see this form under List in your ribbon.


@Garrett Scout,


We are using SharePoint 2016 do you know where i could find NFForm? I am not able to find while editing the SharePoint list views. 




It’s a hidden field. I would write it to the log and use the Query XML action to formulate how I was going to pull the required data from the NFFormdata.. 

Then when ready just add the hidden field in workflow NFFormData.. Yup, this is O365 but very similar process for on Prem. 

I do like @Garrett approach though if trying to pull all the data out, and using powershell to parse and format it something useful. 


