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I am struggling to understand the difference between rows, tables and documents as described by the help docs:

  • For Repeated format type, select the type of repetition you want.

    • Row: Creates a new table row for each row in the corresponding workflow collection variable. Supports template types: .docx, .pptx, and .xlsx.

    • Table: Creates a new table for the corresponding workflow collection variables. Supports template types: .docx and .pptx.

    • Section: Creates a new section for the corresponding workflow collection variables. Supports template type: .docx only.


Does anyone have examples where these 3 different format types are used?




Hi there Marc C.

You would use "Row" when you are replicating rows of data in a table. For example, for each item in a collection, you want that to go into the same column - and one from that same collection into each row until it runs out.

For "Table", it puts the first values from the collection into the table indicated, and then picks up the whole table and replicates that - even the headers and set-up and all that.

Section replicates an entire section in a Word document. Havent tried that one.

The documentation provided by Nintex has to be the worst written information ever. It's so horribly confusing to understand, and of course no useful examples anywhere to be found.
