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K2 Five installer auto terminates and closes while trying to setup K2.


Installer Trace logs show the following error. Note the name of the file may not be the same as what is shown below as this depends on the version of K2 you are trying to install:


10:30:09: PatchHelper.LoadComponentsForLocalPatches: Load kifx: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\K2 (5.0002.1000.2)\Installation\K2 (5.0002.1000.2).kifx 10:30:09: PackageFactory.Load: Load package: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\K2 (5.0002.1000.2)\Installation\K2 (5.0002.1000.2).kifx 10:30:09: PatchHelper.LoadComponentsForLocalPatches: Logged Error: Could not load patch: Ionic.Zip.ZipException: Cannot read that as a ZipFile



In the extracted installer, you can copy the .kifx file to another folder, rename the extension from .kifx to .zip, and try extracting it. If you cannot extract it, that means there is something wrong with this package and installer.


Download the latest installer from NCC ( and try again. If the same issue happen again, log a support case with Nintex Support to request for the installer.

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