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Issue Description

Currently, the DocuSign broker relies on username/passwords for authentication.


DocuSign will only support OAuth AUTH after September 2022.


In the following link, DocuSign mentioned that they will switch to new apps and this has resulted in some complications with regards to integration with K2:


An error message is presented when attempting to create a new Static DocuSign Feature Instance in some cases or when attempting to execute an existing Static DocuSign Feature instance.


Please see the following link for more information on DocuSign OAuth Integration with K2:


Error Message:

The following error occurs: “Operation resulted in a DocuSign exception: "One or both of Username and Password are invalid.”


The fix is available in:


  1. Ensure you have the correct K2 version and/or Cumulative update installed. See KB001893 to see what Fix Pack level you have installed.
  2. Download the latest Fix Pack using the links in the table above for the version you require.
  3. Install the Fix Pack to apply the fix.
  4. It is recommended to clear browser cache and refresh the page.
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