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What is the best way to accomplish having three tasks sent either all at once or individually based on what is put into the form? The form I built has three fields for user email to be entered, if they are needed a review from that person. So, what I’m trying to accomplish are the following scenarios:

  1. The form is filled out and someone is entered into all three fields: Liaison Reviewer, M&M Reviewer, Additional Liaison Reviewer → tasks get sent to all at the same time
  2. The form is filled out and only Liaison Reviewer is filled in, but then the form is later reopened and M&M Liaison is filled in → tasks need to go to both regardless of the first task not being completed. 

I’ve tried using parallel paths, branch by condition, and changing stages. Changing stages seemed to help when just one field was filled in each time the form is updated, but still having issues getting all tasks to fire off at once. 

Let me know if there is a good way to do this. Struggling hard. 

Hi @JAhmadvand,


What you are trying to achieve in step 2 is possible but you will have 2 workflows running.
The form is a start form and when submitted it starts a workflow.
If you copy the form data, add the second person and submit again it will run the workflow again. The previous workflow will also still be running.

Thank you @SimonMuntz. Is there any way that you know of to achieve step 1? 

@SimonMuntz Any more feedback you could give here? 
