Validation on form based approval outcome in Nintex Workflow cloud
Im trying to do some conditional formatting on the Outcome select in Nintex Workflow cloud using the forms based approval.
I do not see the form controls or context to reference it in my formula. Is there another way to reference the Outcome in a Workflow based form?
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I'm assuming you are are using the variable tab within your form designer to build your formula. You can try and set dynamic rules to populate separate controls. Then use those controls and set them equal to variables or use them directly in your formula:
the second rej is a variable i set from the text short control:
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but hope it helps :)
Are you talking about formatting the Outcome control on the form?
If so, you should be able to use CSS and rules to accomplish that.
Create CSS classes that contain the required attributes that need to be changed when the class is applied to a form control. Example below is simply changing the background
Create the form rules to change the Outcome’s CSS class to the classes defined above, based on other rules. Example below is just using the selected outcome as the rule to determine what class is applied.
Thank you Prineel and Bsikes! Now I know how to format the outcome using CSS also.
I wanted to know how to hide some form controls using the outcome but it looks like I needed to set the rule in the From Rules section instead of the controls formula builder.