Ok. I’m horrible with timezones.Â
I’m a little confused though. I want to use the date/time in UTC for a deadline. Users are submiting a form globally. Based on their timezone, the cutoff is 1pm on September 18th.Â
Since we can’t turn a form off on a schedule based on local time zone how do I make an email go out if they submit after cutoff day/time?
I did set a date variable in workflow as current date and time. I did a condition on that variable against what time I knew it was in UTC that had lapsed. However, my condition was set for the timestamp is after 08/04/23 and 12:15 am UTC, if so send an email. If not, continue with workflow.Â
It’s not recognizing the UTC time in the workflow. I was under the impression when it goes INTO NAC the system converts it to UTC. I also have everything in tenant set to UTC and the workflow set to UTC. I ran the workflow around 12:40 am UTC, which would be AFTER my condition for date/time. I do NOT understand why it’s saying it’s not after that time yet and not sending the email.