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Can a multi text SP column be used for a “Wait for event in list item” in order to move the workflow to the next step?  When I tried doing this, I got an error, see below.  Also, it does not show up in the conditions from the Sharepoint List, but it does show up if I select it from a variable, and that is when the error happens. Does this make any sense to anyone?? Any assistance is appreciated.

Thanks, Lois


ERROR Message:

“Received an error response from the connector: Failed to create resource webhook. Status: 500, Details: ')' or operator expected at position 47 in 'ID eq 276 and (AppsSuppCompDate ne null or ne null)'. (Correlation Id: 65e889f2-71ec-4869-a4bf-ca885007090d). 0Error Code: IO.XtensionExecute.ErrorResponse]”



Hi @millerlo,


It appears that you have answered your own question here. No you cant use a multi lines of text column in the condition and that is why it does not show up.  By using a variable you are just trying to force the action to do something that it cannot do.
