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Update a sharepoint list entry with who completed task

  • 6 October 2021
  • 3 replies

I added a Assign Task action with a form to complete. I would like to update a SharePoint list entry with who completed that task, but can't seem to find it anywhere? Any thoughts on this.





3 replies

Userlevel 5
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@Andrew87 Is this an authenticated task, or one where you are sending unauthenticated task to a shared email?

Badge +4
It goes to an email address that multiple users have access to and is unauthenticated. We have a group of people this would go to, however it gets completed typically right away by the 2 users who are working at the time we set it up that way because we do not want the emails to pile up in the other emails boxes.
Userlevel 5
Badge +13

@Andrew87 Currently there is no way to get the user who completed an unauthenticated task form. You could add something on the Form for them to select who completed. You could also look at using a assign task to multiple users(, that allows you assign to multiple user and record who completes the task.
