Task Details Missing for Parallel Tasks

  • 12 February 2024
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Is the expected behavior for task details to be missing when running tasks in parallel? 


I sent four (4) tasks off for a review process in a parallel so I can train users on how to utilize “task details” to see comments and reviews from other reviewers and only one the one that is being actioned shows up for all four. 


If this is expected behavior, whaat is a workaround? 

I have four different type of reviews that they need to share the ability to review each other’s comments within each group and amongst other groups. The users total would be 30 users. Each group only, 1 person of the group of users have to respond. 

We are extremely limited for sharing comments amongst tasks assignees on an actual task form within this platform and I have tried other methods in the past to store comments etc.


It’s always the same issue if two people action a task at the exact same time - which is known to happen for some reason at our company lol, we have issues updating the information back to SharePoint and displaying a dynamic ML text field on a task form with comments due to conflict of changes that potentially could occur and has occured during testing.

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Nevermind, it’s a Monday. Disegard. It works, but in new state it doesn’t show the other three that are active. 

It will however show in task history section for the ones that get completed as they are completed.
