HI @RonLevy ,
The tokens are valid for 12months. In the NAC portal any component workflow will show an yellow warning symbol when they are due to expire and then red once it has expired.
From the settings section in NAC there is a component workflow token page which will display all the token. You can now refresh a token before it expires so it stays the same and resets the expiration.
I make that a monthly admin task to check on upcoming token expiration.
The help file is here:
Component workflow tokens
You still need to work out a way in your solution so that you can change the token if you need to regenerate it (ie chang it) if it compromised, etc.
Hi @Gavin-Adams,
I am aware of how to manage Tokens and that there is no warning when they expire. You surly know this idea. It is a pity that there is no escalation model for expiring tokens. As a developer this is the second thing we implement when we create such a solution. We are in a discussion about that with our customer success manager and we hope, nintex will add such escalation model, soon.
But anyway, thank for pointing me into the right direction. I will add some sort of configuration to maintain the token used within my SPFx-solution.
Hi @RonLevy
I think I misinterpreted your initial question. I thought you were asking about how to keep the token the same, ie refresh.
I also agree some sort of pro active warning notification would be good. (eg a 30 day email to admins).