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Retrieving data. Check back in a few minutes.

  • 16 September 2023
  • 3 replies

Anyone know what is causing this message under instance activities? 

Retrieving data. Check back in a few minutes.

It happened earlier last week and now it’s stuck like this for all our workflows. 

I’m waiting on Nintex support team to respond but since it’s the weekend, I doubt it will be looked at before Monday. We can’t run tests though or do anything at the moment in this tenant with this as an issue - it has impacted workflow testing tool also in designer.

It’s not effecting our other tenants, so any suggestions on what causes this to avoid this in the future would be appreciated. 



3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

@brandiwoodson Do you get the message for just that one instance or all instances, regardless of size? If just that one instance, then it could be the size of that large workflow/instance.  If all instances regardless of size, would suggest submitting a support ticket so that we can investigate further with steps to replicate and more details.

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

@brandiwoodson Do you get the message for just that one instance or all instances, regardless of size? If just that one instance, then it could be the size of that large workflow/instance.  If all instances regardless of size, would suggest submitting a support ticket so that we can investigate further with steps to replicate and more details.

Al instances. I have a ticket in. I think they escalated it for investigation. It resolved on its own roughly 6-8 hpurs after i posted this. We are just wanting to know what caused it to avoid the issue in the future. 


We had a workflow that ran against roughly 4-5 items roughly 1,500 times for each item (maybr 6k instances over 2 day span). I had to tell the designer to add a condition and have since then resolved the excessive trigger looping on update items to sharepoint. 


I'm thinking this was the culprit.

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

@brandiwoodson glad it resolved itself and you may be right on culprit. Given resolves, you want to indicate a “resolved” for this post.  Thanks
