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I have a NWC workflow that we use for job applications.  We allow users to attach resumes with their applications.  Somehow, some applicants are uploading resumes with characters that are not valid in OneDrive, causing the process to crash when saving the resume.  It is usually a PDF with a colon “:” in the file name.

Is there a way to either rename the file before saving, or some form of validation to prevent uploading files with a : in the file name?

Hi @nickfancher , 


at the moment this is not possible, because we are not “holding” the data, we just processing it.

But maybe we could do something at the beginning, how do you start the wf, with form or a component workflow?

It starts with a form that somebody from outside our company fills out.  So I do not have the file until it saves (or never when it crashes).

If I cannot fix the name, or even error check it, are their any options besides putting the save file action near the end of the workflow, so when it fails I minimize what gets lost?

Hi @nickfancher , 

Thank you so much for reaching out. 

I'm one of the Product Managers working on the NAC portfolio. To help you from an Engineering perspective, I have a clarifying question. Do the invalid characters in the file name come from a language other than English? 


As I mentioned in the original post, it is usually the colon : in a filename, which is not a valid character in a Windows environment, but is allowed in some macOS environments.  So I need to be able to filter out that character before I can save it to any of my available options.



Hi @akshaysud

Any more advice you could give here? 

Hi @nickfancher /  @MillaZ ,

I've contacted the team to see if there is a sensible workaround for this. In the meantime, it might be prudent to include the instructions to manually validate the file name in the description field under the upload file control. This should reduce the users' likelihood to attach a file with the ":" in the file name. Something like this: 


How can I remove the “best answer” from the last post?  Any “solution” that involves trusting the general public to read and follow basic instructions is doomed from the start.

I did put in instructions, and I still get a couple failures a week.

Hi @nickfancher I will remove the Best Answer for you.
