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Hi all, 

I have a people picker in my form that I want the end user to add multiple names to. I am then trying to get the email and the name of the people in the picker, and include it into an email.

I’ve tried many different methods to do this (loop for each, text to string, get item from collection) and I either get just the last person added to the people picker or everyone that is in the people picker with lines and lines of code.

Thank you in advance!

Hi @ItsGavin 


Start Event Form (could also be a Task Form)
People Picker. Name is “Managers”. Allow Multiple selection



Loop for Each → Use the Start Event, “Managers

Create Text String (or Set Variable)

On the first iteration, the value of txt_EmailAddressList is -blank-
and Email is the Current Item->Email 


Use a Log to verify the value of the txt_EmailAddressList variable.
It should be => user1@nintex;user2@nintex;user3@nintex;


@Garrett That is perfect! Thank you so much!

Just remember that you will need at least one email address.

The workflow will fail if there isn’t any email address in the txt_EmailAddressList variable (when the txt_EmailAddressList is -blank-)
