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The NWC WF action 'Pause for duration' takes a number and unit value of time to pause, and the number will accept decimals. So, 0.5 Minutes is a valid setting, but I've read on the O365, SharePoint WFs this the minimum is actually 5 min - unless you do some facy work with PowerShell. 


So I've read the help docs and this doesn't provide an answer. Does anyone know if pauses for <5 minutes are possible with this WF Action in NWC?

Hi @Bards! Yes the 'Pause for duration' action in NWC can actually do much shorter pauses than the action in SharePoint as we are using an entirely different workflow engine that is not reliant on SharePoint timer jobs (like the engines that are using in O365 and on-prem). 


I have several workflows that use pauses for less than five minutes that I use when waiting for document state to update.


Hope that helps!

Thanks for a quick response on this one. I suspect it was possible as I know NWC doesn't rely on SharePoint workflows and when testing, I didn't get any erros with the action or expected outputs. But thanks for responding and making that clear.

Found this post and have a question...

I put fractional minutes into the Pause action, but it looks like that 1 minute is the minimum pause no matter what fractional value I put in. For instance .5 for 30 seconds, .25 for 15 seconds, .083 for 5 seconds and in each case it looks like the pause lasts for a full minute. No I haven't put a stop watch on it, but it just seems to pause for a full minute when it should be much shorter.


Any thoughts?

