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NWC Document approval without storing document externally

I have a start event form that requires a document that then gets sent to an approver.  I need a workflow that can go to a second approver and then possibly be rejected for a revision.  When I send the email for approval I can attach the document to the task email but I'm not seeing how to replace it when the first reviewer or submitter wants to change the document they submitted originally.


I would like the reviewer task to have a copy of the document and the option to replace that document if necessary.  It doesn't seem like I can have an upload control with the original file already populated or something similar.


A best practice guide for document approval and revision using just the NWC forms and tasks would be great.  Everything I have found uses Box or some external place to store the document.


At the moment, Nintex Workflow Cloud and Nintex Forms doesn't provide a native document management capability within the context of forms, which is why it's suggested to integrate a workflow with a system that implements all those capabilities. With Box or something like SharePoint, you can use that as the system of record for your documents and point the workflow and task forms to the document(s) with links. This in turn, doesn't bury the file inside the workflow for future access and you can get version history around the file as its being edited. Another added benefit is you can also implement more security on files as they're being edited. 


If you have a moment, you could also use the User Voice Feedback page to add a suggestion for this functionality and let us know the details around your specific requirements for the use case. That would get it in front of product management for Nintex Workflow Cloud as well.



Thanks for the response and information, we will probably end up dropping the file into SharePoint Online.
