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The NWC help page on tasks ( specifically states that NWC administrators can respond to other assignees' tasks (see "Respond to Tasks", section 1b). The exact wording of the section is "if you want to view and respond to any active tasks, click All active tasks"


However, there is no response / completion option on my Tasks dashboard (other than the "My Tasks" tab). Does anyone know what is wrong?


I would be most grateful if someone can shine some light on the problem.

@fairpoint can you confirm that you do not see any of these complete options like the ones in this screenshot:


If so, can you confirm that under Settings, your details show that you have the role of Administrator?

Oh good grief. You're right - I'm listed as a dev, not an adminstrator. I assume when the client added me to their farm, they set me up incorrectly. Thank you SO MUCH! 
