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I created a Scheduled Start workflow that will run weekly. One thing it will do is to query a SharePoint list, looking for certain data in the list items. Then it will loop through the results N times (where N = number of results found in the query) to perform certain actions. I'm using the Loop N times action because I anticipate that there may be more than 250 iterations of the loop (which is of course a limitation of the Loop for each action).


As I was creating this, I noticed that as soon as I saved the workflow, the Loop N times action disappeared from the menu. It was there until I saved it. Fortunately I had already added the action to my workflow before saving, so it was still there. But if I had wanted to click and drag another such action to the workflow, I wouldn't have been able to.


Is this expected behavior? Is anyone else seeing this?

This is not an expected behavior.  What would help is to see if we can reproduce this behavior for troubleshooting.  Please provide steps to re-produce this behavior consistently.

Thank you, @Sasan. The only steps I know of would be:

  1. Create a Scheduled start workflow.

  2. Confirm that the Loop N times action is present in the menu.

  3. Configure the scheduled start and add an action to the workflow.

  4. Save the workflow.

  5. Check to see if the Loop N times action is still visible in the menu.

Thank you.

Hi @DavidAD,


I was able to replicate the behaviour I will raise this with the internal team. As a workaround if you publish the workflow the action will return and then you can pause the workflow to stop it running.
