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Is there somebody who uses Git as repo for Nintex Workflows

  • 3 June 2022
  • 1 reply

Are there any advantages using a repo like git for exported .nwf (Nintex Workflow Files)? Currently discussing this topic, but I can't figure out any advantages besides the central repository, for example when you have a workflow which is used in different sites. In that case .nwf files would be stored in different site collections.

Is anybody using Git (or other vendors) as repository? Would like to here also your opinions about advantages for using a repo.

Hi @RichardWilliams, One disadvantage I see with using git, ironically, is version control. While SharePoint automatically maintains each version of your Nintex Workflow when it's saved/published (i.e. you can open previous versions in the workflow designer), you would have to manually upload the new workflow export to your git every time you published your workflow. If anyone ever missed this step, your git could potentially contain old versions of your workflow, which would require you to find the workflow in SharePoint again to make sure you have the latest version.
