I discovered that this information is available from the Get an Instance REST API call: https://us.nintex.io/workflows/v1/instances/instance_id?startdata=true, as part of the instance's start data.
But to make that call, you would need a bearer token and the instanceid from inside the workflow. I am not aware of any way to get that information. There should be a more direct way to gather the signature's path, which is in fact stored with the instance.
I managed to figure it out. 🙂
It's a bit complex, but if you use the Call a Web Service action and make the call against the Nintex get instance REST call, passing in the instance id from the Context variables and using your personal token (below) -- see these pages for more info on how to do this: https://help.nintex.com/en-US/nwc/Content/Designer/Actions/Callwebservice.htm and https://help.nintex.com/en-US/nwc/Content/Settings/APItokens.htm) -- you can retrieve the instance data.
I then needed to add 2 Query JSON steps, the first to retrieve the signature value from the startData. The signature value is a JSON object stored as a string. The second Query JSON step then pulls from that string JSON object the path value.
Here is more detail:
1 - Call a Web Service. GET https://us.nintex.io/workflows/v1/instances//Workflow InstanceID]?startdata=true
btw, I made startdata=true but from my testing any value for that parameter will work to retrieve the startData
2 - Take the response from the web service call and extract the signature info using Query JSON with this JSON Path expression: $.startData.se_form_variables.se_signature_#_######
3 - Take the signature info and extract the path using this JSON Path expression: $.path