
Get Office 365 Group Name and DisplayName in Nintex Automation Cloud

  • 26 January 2024
  • 3 replies

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I am working on updating a workflow from Nintex for O365 to Nintex Automation Cloud. In Nintex for O365 after querying a list (SPO) you could select the Name property from a Person/Group field. The output in Nintex Automation Cloud only outputs the ID of the group. How would I get the name, display name, and email for the group (O365 group)?

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +13

Hi @jr123456 


If you need to query for O365 groups you should be able to use the Microsoft Office Groups to create a data source if you don’t already have one.


Then in the form you can use the new single choice dropdown with a data source variable:


add a single choice control, remove the options and change to dropdown:


Go to insert, external data and navigate to the Records collection inserting that:


Select Name and ID as below:


It is always preferred to select ID as a value as this can then be used further in the workflow to get members etc but there is nothing stopping you from using Name Name, I have also noted that there doesn’t appear to be any filtering options for this query so I will see what I can do to get this changed as typically the next step would be to have another data source variable filtered to the selected item to return its properties. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +21

Hi @jr123456 

Has this reply solved your question? 

Userlevel 5
Badge +13

Hi @jr123456 

Just to follow up on update to this, I have made the changes to the connector needed to allow for selected groups to be returned individually to get information such as name.

I have submitted this to the product team and can only wait for it to be reviewed and released, no ETA I am afraid. 


