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Get document URL using Call a SharePoint web service

  • 24 October 2023
  • 2 replies

Ok, I have tried doing this on my own and hit a wall even with the help of this post:

Find Document URL | Community (


What am I doing wrong? I just need to fetch the document URL at any given interval in the workflow, in the event the document has been renamed. I check if the document is lockedbyuser and then pause workflow for x amount of minutes and loop back. 


I have copy/pasted the txtCASWS variable into browser and my information for the item shows just fine, file ref is there, but I just can’t get this action to work. :( 

Step 1

Step 2

It doesn’t like my source code, but when I put it in browser it pulls up just fine. 


Then my goal was to use query json to extract the fileref property: 

Note: I’m still disappointed a year later ….. that Nintex doesn’t have a way to return site contents for a query a list action. This information should be available like it is through Power Automate. 

Never mind, disregard. I figured it out, I has to pass the response content to the json source value vs the URL produced.

I had similar stuggles with getting the encodedAbsoluteURL of a document set in a document library but managed to get it to work.


I used a SharePoint HTTP request of

​https://:tenant]'Library Title')/items(​‍‍DocumentSetD‍​)/EncodedAbsUrl

Then in the next action of Query JSON with the source set to the response content of the HTTP request action. JSON path of:


The store the first result into a variable.

