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Form based Task Approval

  • 7 October 2021
  • 3 replies



I've built an initial form in NWC for our field based staff to complete, its a series of labels with multi choice fields in a group which require a client approval upon completion. 


I am using a task approval form and would like the group from the initial form containing the labels and multi choice to be shown on the task approval so the client can approve/reject it. 


I cant see the group on any of the controls within listed in the start event form variables. 


Can anyone advise how I would get these to pull through please?


Apologies if this is a really dumb question - I'm a newbie when it comes to Nintex. 


Also once the client has approved / rejected it am I able to update the initial form with their response?





3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +13

@StaceyLee Multiple choice fields return a collection variable, which is not directly available in later forms. A quick workaround is turning the collection in a text variable using the create a string( If you don't like how it looks you could also modify that string(

Once a form has been submitted there is no way to update that form. You could potentially use something like SharePoint to track the value change.



Many thanks for your response, I will give that a go today. 


Is there a way to even include the approved/rejected field within the original form one the client has approved/rejected the task form?



Userlevel 5
Badge +13

There is currently no way to update a completed Form, you could suggest this on the uservoice( Here is some other potential options:

  • You could use a SharePoint list to track as mentioned

  • Have a new form to display the detail

  • Use document generation to put all the detail in one document
