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External data variable

  • 15 September 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello - I'm creating a job application and want to have available job titles from another list in the same site just displayed as text on the form.  Nothing fancy  I'm a bit of a novice.  I've set up the External Data connection and then also a variable to pull the collection of Titles from the appropriate list.  All I'm receiving is commas displaying on the form. 

I'm using the the following:
convertToString(rExternal data].aJob Title 4].eRecords].rTitle]) 

What is returned is: 

Job Title 4


There are indeed 5 active job postings from a list of 150 or so, so the number of commas are correct, I just can't get the text of the Titles to display.  What am I missing?  Thank you for any help!

Hi @jenniferl ,


sounds interesting, did you already test it without converttostring function?




