
External access to workflows

  • 30 November 2023
  • 2 replies

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Hi all - new-ish to Nintex still, gradually getting used to how things work, but I have a couple of questions for a workflow that we’re looking to design…..

We want to create a portal where an external party (supplier) registers their details with us. These details are then used to populate back-end systems and initiate a series of workflows (finance checks, procurement checks, etc.) that will eventually automate the process of setting them up as a valid supplier….

So, initial thought is to create a simple form for them to enter their contact details, and the internal stakeholder contact.

This goes to Stakeholder to approve, and then to internal IT to create an “account” to allow access to the next part of the process, where the Supplier will enter more details, including bank account details.


We’re thinking that we could do the account via SQL Server, and hold an encrypted password, but then how would the workflow know that the Supplier is an authenticated user


We could register the Supplier on our tenant. Doing so would give them visibility to see their own details they have submitted via My Nintex BUT, our tenant is configured to only allow email accounts with our domain, so this may need a discussion with our account manager?


The end view is that we would have additional workflows (e.g. submit an invoice for approval/payment).


Would be interested if anyone has a thought in this, have done something similar - even if using integration tools to achieve it?


Thanks in advance

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @Darren Jehan 

You can allow external users (anonymous) access to Form.
Set the start event to Nintex Form.
Configure for “Anyone with the form URL”


Your external party or supplier can register their interest using this form.
Workflow will start and flow to your organization’s manager to vet the suppliers’ details.


Creating account access for your suppliers is another different matter. 
Access to what systems, what types of permissions.
You could create a different Nintex Tenant just for your suppliers. 


Badge +1

Thanks Gerrett

Using the URL option means that a Supplier could not access My Nintex, and therefore not be able to “save” a partial application form, for example.

Not necessarily an issue - they can’t do that using the current process, but we were thinking of potential process improvements we could possibly make…

Another tenant - I hadn’t considered that. Might be worth exploring… 

Food for thought! 😊

