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Ok, can someone help me with this error? I have logged a ticket but not sure what is wrong. The “get a file” action was working fine to grab files from a sharepoint library that were created by a user (created by ID). Now when I enable the action after running tests on other components it’s now not working. I have a global effort fixing to take place and now it’s not working. I’m in full panic mode. The error doesn’t make sense to me since it’s for get a file. What does it mean it can not upload file of zero byte? I created a test workflow from scratch to mirror what I had in my development workflow. Same issue now! 


So strange. 

Strange, I have no files in the library and it’s returning ID 17 - see below

I went back in and restored all files that were since deleted. 
There is NOT an ID 17 in my library. I know I uploaded a video and it stalled and I closed browser. I had to upload video again. This is a “phantom” file. 


I also noticed when I deleted all records from the library, there are still two showing on count in site contents. 

