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In converting our workflows to NAC we have encountered a new issue.  We have a task form on the existing site which dnamically requires more info depending on which response an approver gives.  This was easy using rules based on the form control where the Approver response was given.  This functionality isnt available in NAC since the task form controls can not be referenced.  Does anyone know a good workaround?

Which version of Nintex Workflow and Forms are you migrating from?

Could you provide some more details around what you currently have developed and what it does, along with how you have things configured? Screenshots are always helpful.

Hi @WillJordan 

Is there any more info you could add here? 

It looks like I was missing a obvious issue.  Since it only shows up in the pulldown but not in any section on the left hand sidebar in NAC.  My fault for not expoloring NAC more fully.

Thank you for your response! 
