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Hi Everyone! 

I feel like this might be a confusing one, so hopefully I can explain it well!

I have an initial form where the user will select an ‘Incident Type’ from a series of dropdown boxes that are activated when the boolean above them is ticked.

Once the user has filled in the initial form, they will be sent an email with a link to fill in a follow up form (using a branch by value component in the workflow). In the follow up form, I am able to add all fields that were filled in on the initial form as read-only. I can’t seem to get the value of the dropdown boxes to work. 

I hope that all made sense!

Thank you for your help! 

Is your drop down using a data lookup control or single choice control?

@brandiwoodson It is using a single choice control

Ok, the options in the start and task forms have to match. Values that are missing in task will not show up. Nintex doesn’t have the option to pass the options over to the control - I find this to be annoying! 


Start Form

Task Form


If I where to leave it like this, the only values that will show up are the ones I set on the task, doesn’t matter what the default value is set to. I think this is a BUG and it very annoying. You have to update the “options” to the same “options” you have on your start event form (or the values from the source you are passing - if they don’t match or include all values, it wont’ show whatever is missing)

Here is what I get when I leave it as is. I picked Test 2 on my test, but it doesn’t show up when I complete the task form.



If I configure the options to match the start event options, it then works. For this one I did “Test 1” and my task form shows it now.



@brandiwoodson Ahh, so there is no way for Nintex to gather the text selected in the dropdown in the start form to show as read only in a text field in the task form?

No, you can. If all you need is the value from the drop down to show up on the form, there should be a start event variable you can find and drag/drop the field you want to show. Multiple choice fields should come over in read-only mode as text field.

@brandiwoodson I have done that for the other fields on the page - however because I have 6 drop downs where only one will be filled, how can I have just the one value go to the task form?

I just changed my configuration on my task to show you. 


Here is my task with the original configuration and the added read-only variable from start event passed as text.



Ah, you’d have to add them all to the task form and just do a rule to only show the one that is filled. That is my first thought anyways….unless someone has a better way. 

You can also create a variable in your workflow to add the drop down that is not blank into the variable, but I think that is probably just more unnecessary work vs creating a rule and just copying it 5x. 

If you do the workflow method and set the variable with the one filled, just dump your variable onto the form instead of using the start event. 

You can also create a variable in your workflow to add the drop down that is not blank into the variable, but I think that is probably just more unnecessary work vs creating a rule and just copying it 5x. 

If you do the workflow method and set the variable with the one filled, just dump your variable onto the form instead of using the start event. 

Hmmm, I am starting to think what I want to do might be a bit complex. Thank you for your thoughts!

On no. Sorry. What else do you need help with? Sent you a DM. 
