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Hi All

I have a form where I am pulling data from a sharepoint list to retrieve supplier and item details.

I pick a supplier from a data lookup and then the item field is looking at all items filtered by that supplier.

The form works fine and pulls back other information related to that item as per below (all greyed out fields are data being pulled back that relates to the item)

The problem arises when I generate the document, it pulls back (what I assume) is the item ID from the sharepoint list instead of the title. see below

I have configured the data lookup field for item as per below image

If I change the option value to title it then shows the item name in the document that is generated but not all the other fields that should have been pulled back with it and the form does the same, none of the fileds bring back the corresponding info.


Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this please?

Hi @Andy.Emery 

Just add another text field to the form to display the Title.
As it will display the same details as the Dropdown/Lookup, it may seem redundant (hence why we should make it hidden once your development/testing is completed).
Use this field value for the DocGen.

  • Text field. Name = “Item Name”
  • Hidden field. Visibility is “No”. Pls show this field during development, hide for production
  • Read-only


@Garrett thanks, but how do we populate the redundant field without making them fill in that field also? do we do a rule to match the item field? sorry im not an expert at data lookups so this is pretty new to me

@Andy.Emery - The same way as you filled the SKU and Item Cost field

@Garrett of course, im too deep in the weeds to see the obvious answer!!

Thanks this all worked fine now, sometimes the simplest answers are the best!

Seems like a bit of a design floor though?

Thanks for your help again!!

Disregard my comment. 

Hi @Garrett 

I have just realised that this only works if the field is visible? I cant find workaround for this, got any ideas?


also just to note this is in a repeating section.


I need the item description to show in the generated document but it just shows the item ID.  If I do the config yu showed that only works if the field is visible.  

