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Hi all:

We have a NWC/NAC Task Form with a people control on it. When we try to update the SP Online List’s People/Group field with the value from the task’s people control, it gives us the following:

“Received an error response from the connector: BadRequest: SharePoint returns exception: An error occured during update items on list 'abc'. The actual exception is 'The user does not exist or is not unique.'. (Correlation Id: b627c3c5-b8fe-457e-960e-xxxxxxxx). xError Code: IO.XtensionExecute.ErrorResponse]”

The people DO exist in SP Online and both are using our Azure AD.

On the Task form, if I put a simple text control and ask someone to manually type the person’s email address, I can query the user profile with that email address, get the results, and save those to the SP Online list. However, that is NOT ideal. We want people to be able to select from the People control.

What are we missing? Does there need to be some intermediate step between getting the value from the task form and doing an “Update items” action to SP Online?

Thank you.

Hi, how are you saving the value?

The people control returns as a collection, so you need to loop through it and then save the value/s:

The loop for each action contains the people collection variable from the task form.

I wasn’t looping through the collection object (although I did try other collection operations) Thank you for that. I will give it a go and let everyone know what happens! I can see the downside to this is I’m going to have to put this “loop” under every possible task outcome branch 😪

Just wanted to update -- I’ve gone back and tried this, and it works. Thank you.
